Do you know you have a scroll? It was created at the foundations of the earth by the one who is eternal.
Your scroll contains more than destiny, written on it is the perfect will of the Father for your life.
The world and all of hell cannot stop what is written on that scroll from coming forth.
But....to walk out your scroll you must continually burn every other story written about you.
You must burn the chapters of seasons past and the books your soul could imagine and write.
There is one scroll, your scroll, one author.
Only one who gets to determine your worth, who you are, and what you will do.
One true story, everything else is fiction.
Will you burn the story that doesn’t belong to you?
Will you learn to settle into the flow of your scroll? Here, there is no striving only being.
If we stay in the fire we will always have access to a flame.
When we are consumed with fire and found living in the flow of our scroll these counterfeit stories will set themselves ablaze.
Rest in the goodness and might of the one who wrote the scroll. Settle in while the fire blazes around.
This is right where you are meant to be.
Candace Roberts 2019
Are you having trouble moving forward? Contact Candace to schedule a FREE 20-minute consultation to help you break free and live out your destiny.